Thursday 8 March 2018

How to Design a Chatbot using Dialogflow the Artificial Intelligence Tool

How to Design a Chatbot using Dialogflow, the Artificial Intelligence Tool

In this article I will explain how to design a chatbot using Dialogflow, the Google Artificial Intelligence tool that was previously called API.AI. To do this, I will leave that we already know the basic elements for the construction of a bot. Yes, I refer to concepts like intentions or entities, but for what you do not know them I recommend this other article of basic concepts to create a chatbot with Artificial Intelligence.

In today's manual I want to show you how to configure intentions and entities in this other tool of natural language processing (NLP) of Google that is responsible for understanding the input of the user and propose a response (output).

As in any Artificial Intelligence system - and based on Google being Google but not yet doing magic - this system will work better or worse based on how much we have trained it. That is, if we have not trained him so that when he writes to us "hello, I want to know how much I am paying now for my health insurance" we can interpret it, the tool will hardly give us a satisfactory answer.

Capgemini partnered with Kore to demonstrate the potential business applications of chatbots in a proof of concept project for a large multinational retail client.

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