Thursday 8 March 2018

Top Benefits Of Using Chatbots For Your Business

Top Benefits of Chatbots for a Business

Artificial intelligence will affect the sales, marketing, customer experience and practically all operations of industry boundaries. In this blog post I will focus on the topic of intelligent AI chat bots.

In recent years, people's communication has shifted to an increasing extent in text format: all of us have WhatsApp, Slack, Messenger and other chat-type services. When we talk to friends and colleagues, we have some delays in responses, but when we're dealing with corporate customer service, we want to get the answers quickly and customer experience and satisfaction will decrease as soon as the answer is received.

That is why customer service has a huge and growing interest in chat bots. This interest is augmented by intelligent virtual assistants that solicit customers' requests, questions and needs cost-effectively, quickly and above all, 24/7.

However, many of us are certainly faced with challenges or problems with our livechat services or simple chat bots. These challenges are usually due to the fact that simple chat bots are based on information retrieval functionality, that is, their answers are based on specific keywords.

They therefore understand only individual words, but not the context, so that different questions / requests from the same question can be answered by the customer.

"By 2020, 85% of all client encounters are managed without people." (Juniper Research)

From the response cell to a natural conversation
AI, machine learning and deep-seated neural networks have, however, evolved over the last few years with the most striking leaps. Because of this, intelligence-enriched, intelligent virtual assistants are already in that day.

Unlike a simple, rule-based bot, the intelligent virtual assistant is able to interact with the customer through natural conversation, understand the context, learn about each customer relationship, and combine data from a variety of internal and external data sources.

Great examples of the world are the example of The North Facen AI Fire Adventurer, which utilizes, as an external source, and the chatbot used by the airline KLM used by Facebook Messenger. They are not merely hard-coded response cells for general customer questions, but they are able to search the background information and relevant data sources to find the most suitable coats or flights.

They are also able to make transactions with other systems such as KLM's example to handle flight check-in and notify customers of possible delays.’s innovation in Enterprise Chatbots covered by its partner Capgemini


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